Bowers-Fader Duo

"This collection of songs for mezzo and guitar is simply delicious; the deep oak of Jessica Bowers’ lower range and the lush honey of her higher range mix well with the steady and sensitive guitar playing of Oren Fader."
-American Record Guide
Created in 2009, The Bowers-Fader Voice and Guitar Duo is Jessica Bowers, mezzo-soprano, and Oren Fader, guitar. Their mission is to promote New American Art Songs for mezzo and guitar, through commissions, performances, and recordings. To date, they have presented over 40 world premieres written for them.
The Duo performs in New York City and across the US. Festival performances and residencies include Lehigh University, Bar Harbor Music Festival, Queens New Music Festival, U of Indy, New York City Classical Guitar Society, FeNAM, and Taconic Music.
The Duo's recordings include "Between Us All", and "People Places, and Pets".
Both albums feature music entirely written for them.
"I was very pleased to be sent this exquisite recording of new music for voice and guitar with new compositions by American composers. The musical language and writing for guitar and voice is excellent throughout. With great ensemble performances, intricate and musical guitar work, and soaring vocals, this is a very exciting release."
Photos by Matt Dine